Karina Velasco was born in Mexico City. She has worked in media since she was 14 years old. After 12 years of working in Television, radio and music, she traveled to India, shortly after being initiated in the practice of Yoga, to learn more about Buddhism, Vedanta philosophy and Yoga. This experience lasted for nine months and allowed her to become a certified sivananda Yoga teacher, change her life and focus herself on her spiritual growth.
In 2008 she decided to turn her passion for the wellbeing into a career and moved to Ney York City to become a holist nutritionist and Chef in the Natural Gourmet Institute and Integrative Nutrition schools. In mid-2010, the LA Yoga Works (one of the most prestigious schools in the world) certified her as a Yoga teacher as well.
She currently gives nutrition, cooking and yoga courses in Mexico and United States of America. She is the holistics nutritionist and naturist chef in the morning talkshow Hoy everyThursday. She also works for the Runners World, Fuera Kilos, and Yoganews magazines.